SIR - It is right for any party to point out political differences. However, some Worcester Labour Party literature has gone too far - it damages them and politics.

Much is at best misleading and at worst untrue. Examples: * We have not ditched plans to enhance the Riverside; £1,000,000 of capital is going into that with outside resources for a footbridge across the Severn at Diglis.

* It is implied that the city council cabinet members have increased their personal allowance by 23 per cent over two years. Not true - this year the individual cabinet member's allowance has not increased.

* We have not ignored concerns about wheelie bin arrangements. The promised review by cross party councillors has been set up.

* Labour councillors have accused us of raising the city council tax by only 2.5 per cent in previous years. Because of Government below-inflation funding we have had to put it up by 4.3 per cent this year. The same accusers say we have raised the tax too high.

I entered local government politics to influence the services for all citizens of Worcester. When I see the electorate being misled I feel very sad but I have confidence in the people to see beyond the "negative" to the "positive" and to be able to distinguish between what is true and what is not.

COUNCILLOR DR DAVID TIBBUTT, City Council Cabinet Member for Urban Renaissance.