SIR - In the aftermath of the local elections debate, Mr Brown has bravely shouldered responsibility.

In hindsight, he has now said he will listen to the residents of these shores.

As the residents elected him and his minions to do just that in the first place, he should not have to remind himself of this fact.

Mr Blair introduced the European referendum to be voted on when the time was convenient. On his succession, Mr Brown adamantly refused to acknowledge the situation. Over the years, several polls have suggested that the majority of the electorate desired the chance for their wishes to be observed. At one time an 80 per cent majority of the population were said to be in favour of a no vote.

If Mr Brown is going to listen to the electorate, a prudent decision, to his own political, and the party's future, would be to reintroduce the referendum.

S WHITEHOUSE, Worcester.