Dear Editor

When is the madness going to end? 

I refer to the article about renaming “Cripplegate Park”. Like Mrs Richards I too have lived in Worcester all of my life (58 years) and I can honestly say that the name has never made me feel either uncomfortable or sad. 

I also see no reason why the name of the park should effect her “happy memories”.

To be perfectly honest I actually assumed (incorrectly it would appear) that it was in fact connected to cripples congregating by the city gates. 

Can anyone explain exactly why this could be deemed as offensive even were it to be the case?

It would merely serve as a reminder of how lucky we are to be residing in Worcester now and not in medieval times – although I suspect they were made of tougher stuff back then and were probably more interested in where their next meal was coming from than who they may offend.

You cannot merely cancel history or indeed anything that may be deemed by a minority of people to be offensive.

Personally I find the history of our city fascinating and as I stated in a previous letter it would be good if some of the local place names were explained.

The truth is not always dressed up with bows and ribbons, sometimes it isn’t pleasant but it is up to us to learn from history and stop trying to appease the fragile dispositions of those who seem determined to wipe it out.

Leave Cripplegate Park alone!

Julie Reynolds