SIR – I have read with interest your editorial over the past weeks regarding the excessive spending by the leaders of the city council and the fact that financial experts have to be engaged to ensure they spend their money wisely.

This is now topped by your latest revelation that their quarterly free magazine is losing £3,000 an issue – that’s £12,000 a year!

With the financial experts at hand I really cannot believe that it is allowed to make such a loss. It appears that whoever is producing City Life has little knowledge of running a publication.

Councillor Knight seems to be glorifying its content of interesting articles to the extent that he describes the magazine as a good news story.

If the publication is only making £5,000 an issue why are you spending £8,000 on production?

I am sure the editor of the Worcester News would love to have more pages per week for his good news stories but that would mean his production costs would spiral and soon there would be no Worcester News.

BERNARD MEW, Rushwick.