SIR – In reply to my old friend David Barlow (October 16), as a selfproclaimed little Englander (not just football), I have in the past struggled to agree with David’s politics and even more so his stance on Europe.

Despite the unpatriotic actions of David’s government which, by stealth, is selling our assets and locking us into dependence on France for electricity – generated by nuclear power; and, also despite having our gas controlled by Russia, we manage to retain some democratic rights. These rights would have been even more controlled had Blair, Campbell, Peter Mandelson and our own David Barlow imposed even more control over all New Labour members and politicians by their gagging orders.

So, given the choice of reading the words of Mark Starr – who regularly exposes the disgraceful antics of the unelected on the money gravy train in Brussels – and David’s vision of Europe, I choose Mark Starr.

