SIR – I am not dyslexic but the more I use the internet the more I ask how a dyslexic can cope?

If you are visually or mentally ‘disadvantaged’ (the current buzz word), there are ways to help.

Good websites ensure their photographs are also labelled to explain what the image is about and perhaps also even have a sound clip to do the same.

But what if your inability to either read or write (let alone hear – but that is another issue) prevents you from such access?

The internet is a wonderful tool and means of communicating – for the majority of us. But just how do we tailor it for those who don’t quite fit what it offers? Where do they seek the advice they increasingly will need?

As for us older people who can sometimes dread even tapping a keyboard, well, what happens then?

There are of course various adult courses. I would very much recommend the too-little known Workers Educational Association in Worcester and elsewhere.

But too often older people are wary of giving it a go.

Well, all I can say is that I did and it does work. And it can help transform life, opening up so many personal and companionship avenues.

Just give it a go.

