SIR – With reference to Jed King’s letter about sanctimony and my selfrighteousness (Worcester News, November 4), I remit the entire jeremiad back to its sender together with any accrued interests.

My action is underlined by a previous shrill letter of Mr King against John Phillpott, who was just castigating uptight attitudes in general (See Letters, November 13).

I do not go around with a halo over my head I just try to live honestly, charitably and orderly to the best of my knowledge and ability. I do not deny fairness, decency and altruism in secularists or humanists.

The fact is that many members of the humanistsecularist international have a dyspeptic and visceral hatred of Christianity. If they do not win, they sulk.

Remember those who do not believe in God sooner or later will believe in anything!

