SIR – Regarding “We are forsaking democracy in EU” (October 8) well said Gary!

The fact that loony Labour has blatantly ignored a promise they made to the electorate at large, defines the honour and integrity of those we elect to govern us. Indeed, some might observe “there is no honour among thieves”, so with expense frauds besetting the House of Commons, what else did we expect?

MPs have absolutely no right whatsoever to force the people of this country into Europe’s dictatorship without their wholehearted consent. Our MPs are involved in an act of barefaced treachery unsurpassed in modern times; it defines them as cheats and liars.

Even if Mandelson has to grip Gordon Brown’s hand, while he signs away our freedom, and the Conservatives say “it’s too late” (how often have we heard that one), the people of our nation don’t have to remain in Europe.

Almost half the electorate doesn’t vote because “politicians are in it for themselves”. If that non-voting electorate joins forces with the vast majority of us voters, who demand a referendum on Europe, the LibLabCon, which has ruled Parliament for a century, can be smashed forever.
