SIR – Reading my Worcester News on December 15, I came across a report saying Labour MP Mike Foster has pledged his support for the British Armed Forces through the Royal British Legion, which I happen to be a member of. Is this the same Labour MP who like many other MPs voted for the illegal war on Iraq? Is this the same MP who voted against Gurkhas retiring to this country after service in the British Armed Forces? Is this the same MP who bitterly complained to your Worcester News this November regarding the laying of a wreath on the Worcester war memorial with a UKIP logo and the words “time to do your bit”?

The hypocracy of this MP knows no bounds. I shall repeat the words of the RBLs website: “Time do do your bit” come next November when you are a plain Mr Foster.

Why not help the RBL by selling poppies somewhere along Worcester High Street like myself and many others do throughout this nation. Then you can say: “I’ve time to do my bit.”

Mr J C Butterfield,

(Worcester city branch UKIP).