SIR - It is utter madness that Bilford Road waste site will be closed for six months. Irrespective of the need for upgrading the site it is a strategic home goal for a city council trying to promote recycling. Meanwhile, the UK suffers an epidemic of fly-tipping to which Worcester is no exception, judging by what I have seen in Otherton Lane on the edge of the city, or close to the football fields near Dines Green.

Many readers must have begun a enjoyable walk in the spring sunshine only to round a corner and have it all ruined by some grotesque pile of decaying rubbish, old fridges and so on. Not only is it unsightly and illegal, it is a biohazard. We should keep this in perspective. The relatively modest extra journey required in the meantime is hardly an obstacle to responsible people. Those who are not prepared to drive across to the west side of the city are probably the kind of people who would have fly-tipped anyway.

