SIR - How right for Jim Evans in his letter (Worcester News, Monday, May 22) to point out that democracy as we know it is a hoax.

In Britain there is a committee of 12 to 14 unelected men known as "The Crown" who rule "The City" which is a privately-owned corporation - sovereign state - occupying 677 acres in the heart of the 510-square mile Greater London Area.

This small clique, who may not be British citizens, dictate to our elected British Parliament. It tells them what to do and when, as demonstrated with the Suez Canal War and now the illegal Afghan/Iraq War. "The City" has its own Lord Mayor and here is grouped wealthy banks dominated by the privately-owned Bank of "England", London Stock Exchange, Lloyd's of London and the offices of most leading international trading concerns.

Theoretically, Britain is ruled by a prime minister and a cabinet of close advisers, vetted by an elected Parliament. The `fronts' go to great lengths to create the impression that they were running our country - but in reality, they are mere puppets whose strings are pulled by shadowy characters who dominate behind the scenes.

