SIR - We keep reading upbeat stories about the regeneration of Worcester. Living in the Bath Road area it's pleasing to see some time-honoured eyesores becoming useable homes around me, but I can't help having a few pangs of misgiving about the transformation.

Wherever the larger houses in Bath Road are turned into multi-occupation rental flats and bedsits the squalor soon takes hold. I fear Bath Road is gradually becoming a slum, and Sidbury isn't far behind it.

The problem is that no one resident owns many of these properties and so no one person feels responsible for the upkeep and appearance, either. Add to this the British cheapskate approach to funding bail hostels and homes for people with learning disability and it's easy to understand why they look so unkempt.

We don't have communities any longer. At one time we would feel embarrassed to leave our property looking like a rubbish tip for fear of causing offence to our neighbours - but who knows or cares what his neighbours think any longer?

