SIR - Joe Walter's reply to George Cowley (June 2) reminds me of when I was presented with my West Mercia Constabulary tie. There were three of us involved, the late Billy McGhie, magician, the late Ron Pardoe, comedian and myself, handbell soloist.

For many years, we had been guest artistes at concerts given by the Worcester Police Male Voice Choir and this was a mark of appreciation for which we all felt highly honoured.

I still have my tie but only remember wearing it upon one occasion. I was returning home one evening when I stopped for refreshment at a village hostelry near Worcester. Somehow, I felt I was not exactly welcome and I had not been there long when the landlord called "last orders" followed by "time gentlemen, please."

I had an overwhelming sense of hostility, and was at a loss to understand, when suddenly the penny dropped. I was wearing my West Mercia tie. This had been recognised and I was assumed to be a policeman intent on catching them out. I hastily consumed my drink, bade the company "goodnight" and departed. A police presence is not always appreciated.

