SIR – I was very interested in reading the thoughts of Steve Rhodes in the Worcester News, April 29.

After a dressing room chat (I think the word should have been rollicking) following the inept performance against Glamorgan, he said: “They have got to understand when we play on wickets like we have done here we will lose a match or two.”

What a strange thing to say. Steve Rhodes is director of cricket at Worcestershire.

The ground staff work for Worcestershire.

Wickets should be produced to enhance the abilities of our team, not the opposition, hence the departure of Garth Batty at the end of last season.

It is not just me who thinks that Rhodes and Damian D’Oliveria should be replaced before things go from bad to worse.

It should not be a job for the boys.

If Worcestershire was a football or rugby team they would have gone at the end of last season.
