Sir – Although I didn’t vote for any of the three main parties, my sense of relief at 9pm on Tuesday when Mr Cameron walked through the door of No10 was almost tangible.

A quick e-mail across the nation to friends confirmed I was not alone and I wondered why this was.

I think we are all heartily sick of the theatrical election procedure and the Labour Government in general had run its course.

My new optimism must stem from a desire for both Cameron and Clegg to succeed in their coalition plans. They now hold roughly two-thirds of the nation’s hopes in their hands, so they deserve our full support.

That said, the sniping started only hours after the announcement and it will be interesting to see how long it will be, before our “loyal, national media” bring them both down.

The influence of the highly left-wing BBC will be crucial and I hope for all our sakes, they don’t rock the boat.

Stanley Parr