SIR – Regarding the letter “Do you take buses driven by them?”, August 2. Mr Robinson’s reply looks to have been written by someone who sees issues as “all or nothing”. His questions are ludicrous and unnecessarily provocative. For the record: I worked with and among racial minorities for a lifetime. Furthermore, I worked to get a member of Worcester’s ethnic minorities elected as a city councillor, and still take pride in that person’s achievements.

It’s not a question of whether or not I personally interact within our multi-cultural society. It’s a question of degree.

Would it be sensible for every job to be done by migrants? No, it would not. The nation could not afford to pay for tens of millions of our people to sit on their backsides, while tens of millions were brought here to work in our economy.

The people of our nation should not be paying £80 billion in excess taxes to fund those without jobs. We need to strike a balance. My respondent is obviously more interested in writing politically correct dogma than in slashing the £80 billion now spent upon politically correct employment practices, which result in depriving millions of our people of jobs.
