SIR – Councillor Clive Smith really has lost the plot. In his letter to the Worcester News (September 17), he claims the Liberal Democrats had to act as they did. He then goes on to try to justify the cuts in public services. He goes on to describe the three Labour county councillors as the three musketeers. I may need to remind him that the three musketeers fought for justice and liberty against unsurmountable odds and won. The Liberal Democrats have conspired with the Tories to cut public services. They have supported 20 per cent VAT, cuts to school building projects, cuts to housing benefit, cuts to job schemes, cuts to disability living allowances and other benefits. These cuts are based on dogma not sound economics. I know in their hearts many Liberal Democrats do not support what Nick Clegg and his followers have done. Maybe, like D’Artagnan, who set off for Paris on the long journey to become a musketeer, some may start on a journey of their own, to the real opposition party, the party who want to protect people. Richard Udall. Chairman, Worcestershire