SIR – Your editorial about the BBC in the Worcester News (Septempber 17) was right so far as it went, but I have largely stopped relying on the Beeb for news and current affairs information for different reasons.

During the last 30 years the BBC has become increasingly opinionated and powerful and appears to use its influence over our society in a worryingly sinister way.

It seems that no one in public life dares challenge its very obvious anti-British/ liberal/ humanitarian/ globalist opinions if they want to appear on BBC programmes again and avoid the career-destroying ridicule of its satirists and commentators.

If there was ever a political party that represented the BBC it would be the ‘New Labour’ regime they vigorously promoted after getting rid of Mrs Thatcher.

We get more than enough political bias from the national media owned by rich global capitalists, so let’s return to receiving unbiased sound information from a BBC that costs us more than £3 billion every year.....and we can decide what we think all by ourselves!

Jim Evans Worcester