SIR - "Let's hope the football fans are just as keen on English history", read one of Phillpott's Seven Days' headlines (Worcester News, July 8). I suppose "hope" is the operative word.

Mr Phillpott remarked that the good Doctor Johnson was not always consistent in his observations. I wonder if Mr Phillpott had a particular inconsistent observation in mind.

He then applied the so-called J K Rowling law to the football fans. Well, the lady wrote a series of successful and popular books in a relatively short time, whereas football fans have supported a consistently, unsuccessful English squad for 40 years.

As for the descendant of John Hawkins, I too admire his gesture, but I do not share Mr Phillpott's doubts and sentiments. The sons of past transgressors are just as guilty as their fathers if they do not seek atonement and compensate fully their fathers' victims. This is a biblical teaching.

