SIR - Councillor Simon Geraghty's recent pledge not to put new homes on the Green Belt can be taken as an admission that building another 10,000 homes in Worcester has already been agreed.

Why is this councillor not purple with anger over such a proposition? Who does he represent? Many Worcester people will instinctively object to these plans. Worcester's roads are already gridlocked during rush hours. How can they cope with another 80,000 car journeys a day?

We can all see our climate is changing. We all know - or should - that ever-increasing carbon dioxide levels are responsible. This "planned development" will add massively to those pollution levels, and repeated across every town and city in our country and in other countries, will ultimately propel our children and grandchildren into disaster via catastrophic global climate change. Why then is Councillor Simon Geraghty - in effect - helping to destroy our world?

We all experienced the storm of Wednesday, July 7. We all know people who were flooded out. We all know catastrophic storms like that will occur more and more frequently, as the effects of global warming worsen. How many storms like that each year could we tolerate, before having to abandon parts of Worcester? How many storms like that could the crops we depend upon stand, before being destroyed by such rains?

It seems to me that Councillor Geraghty should be answering those sorts of questions, instead of making promises about where the next phase in the destruction of our environment begins.

