SIR - I am trying to contact someone I first met 40 years ago - another World Cup year, 1966.

She lived in the Warley area and I am wondering if any of your readers would be able to help me? Her name was June Eley (not sure of the spelling) and I believe that she married her fiance (she was engaged before coming to college I think) after leaving Radbrook College in 1969 and possibly at a later date moved up to Scotland. She would know me as Cath (Catherine) Crozier. I am organising a reunion in September and it would be great if she could join myself, Brenda Taylor, Cynthia Jones and a few others for a get-together after all this time.

I can be contacted at 42 Brisco Meadows, Carlisle, CA2 4NY or via my e-mail address at farrarc@tiscali.