perhaps the pioneer who dared not only to think but do the unthinkable, levying the motorists of London with a congestion charge. Like it or not, it made a huge difference.

Now, the county council has suggested the idea for Worcester. One wonders if the case is strong enough or whether the alternatives are viable. While it is true the city's roads are gridlocked during peak hours causing nose-to-tail misery and havoc for the emergency services, what about the alternatives?

There is a distinct lack of cycle lanes and peak hours train services that are so busy that customers sometimes feel like sardines packed into a tin. As for buses, it is almost impossible to imagine the complex needs of the masses being met by local services as they stand.

The school run often involves travel through the centre. But despite these features, it is obvious we need to do something because it is miserable to have such a elegant city being a hostage to congestion. The planet - let alone this locality - needs to do something about pollution. So, at least it is sensible to examine the possibilities for congestion charging and other schemes. But please, not just as a smash and grab raid on the available funding. Let's see something that will make the city a healthier environment without caning the commuter.

