SIR - I read with interest that Robin Walker has been selected to fight the Worcester seat for the Conservatives at the next General Election.

However, I was appalled by Mike Foster's reaction to the news. He referred to Robin Walker as a "Tory toff". In my opinion, this was an unkind and very childish remark from a supposedly responsible sitting MP. Is it any wonder people have got so apathetic and bored by our polititians these days?

I for one see all our MPs mostly living the `life of Riley' and getting well paid - and their terms and conditions are not bad either. They have 76 days off in the summer, something most of us can only dream of. Maybe Mr Foster is beginning to see his reign come to an end in three years' time?

Whatever his motivation for such remarks, he would do well to work even harder (when he's back from his long summer hols) in the next three years if he wants our support and to refrain from playground talk which is what turns us all off politics.

