SIR – Although there has been an explosion of interest in poetry in the region in recent times, it seems there is nothing available for writers interested in genre specific writing.

There’s not much scope as things stand if you are a writer interested in Gothic, horror, sci-fi or fantasy fiction. We would like to do something to redress the balance.

We will be starting a new open mic night to specifically address these issues.

“42” (named from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) will call on writers of Gothic, horror, sci-fi and fantasy work to step up and make themselves heard.

We will be staging this in Worcester shortly, and call upon all ambitious writers with an interest in these genres to get in touch with us at

We can do something really fresh and original here, and we want people to get involved.

The name comes from The Hitchhiker’s Guide, and we hope it will have a universal appeal for fans of these genres.
