SIR – As completion of the bus lane in Newtown Road, Worcester, draws nearer, small but significant changes appear to be taking place.

The lower end of Newtown Road, less than 150 metres of bus lane, has now sprouted double yellow lines and yellow ‘flashes’ every two metres on the kerb.

On the morning of Thursday, February 10, the original ‘No Loading’ signs were replaced with ‘No Stopping’ signs. One has to question why the change.

Previously. I had an e-mail from the county council saying that under the original signage it would be permissable for we residents to stop in the bus lane (during active hours) to open/close gates and/or pick up/drop passengers. Once again we do not know where we stand.

To further confuse, by mid-afternoon on the 10th, the new ‘No Parking’ signs and many ‘No Loading’ signs had gone leaving empty posts.

Were the wrong signs put up originally or has someone changed their mind? The additional bad news for residents and road users is that the scheme is not complete as the road up the hill from the Gun has to be rebuilt.

This will happen in April/May time. You would have thought that we have all suffered enough.
