SIR - Gail and Michael Wilson (Letters, August 15) initially alluded to friendly waiters and the pleasures of European cakes and ice cream and such nonsense. She then went on to berate the children of our Faithful City for allowing themselves to enjoy the wonderful fountains of the Quayside! She actually confuses the issue and shows her complete lack of education by referring to the fountains "cooling features" that should be "gazed at adoringly" How exactly do you cool yourself in a fountain simply by looking at it?

My point is this. When I voted in the local elections I did not see the name of either Gail or Michael Wilson put forward as head of Worcester's Quayside Fountains. So I would like to ask, who exactly put Gail and Michael Wilson in charge of telling us who can or cannot enjoy the fountains and what exactly were they designed for in the first place!

She has no more or no less right to those fountains than anyone in this city and if she doesn't like to see children playing in the fountains (in one of the hottest summer spells for decades) then there are a number of options open to her. Either do something constructive, like ask the relevant questions as to why the parks department cannot see fit to open the one public paddling pool this city has to offer, or speak with the powers- that-be at Worcester Swimming Pool and ask them why they have constantly reduced the hours of opening for the children's pool because of "staff shortages" for the past three years.

We, meanwhile, will continue to enjoy our "unsophisticated" selves in the Quayside fountains, completely and utterly oblivious to the obnoxious few who pour scorn on young children enjoying themselves in what has been a glorious summer. Shame on you!

