SIR - Most people have sought to give comfort and meaning to their lives by some form of religious belief. Unfortunately, the prejudicial interplay between the numerous religions has been and continues to be, the most brutal and bloody aspect of human history.

The predominant religions are Protestant and Catholic, and while the current leaders of these religions are not to blame for the carnage of the past, they still retain mantras that are bigoted and unlawful or are causing great suffering and huge loss of lives.

The Church of England is still chauvinistic which contravenes the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 and is, therefore, unlawful.

Catholicism is the main religion of many of the deprived countries in Africa. The Church of Rome ban on contraception is causing the populations of these countries to outgrow food and water resources, HIV is rife, and huge numbers of children and adults are dying from starvation and Aids.

I prefer my own simple religion. It harms no one, has enabled me to give pleasure and help to many friends and neighbours in three different communities during 64 years of adult life. I have been amply rewarded by the pleasure and satisfaction of giving. The recipe is simple and comprises integrity, loyalty, compassion, courtesy, care for the community, tolerance and respect for other people's views. I commend it to the clerics of all religions.

