SIR - WENDY Hands thinks Tony Blair misjudged levels of immigration after EU enlargement but I suspect he knew full well what was likely to happen all along.

That's why we weren't allowed a debate on the subject. The BBC propaganda machine painted an exclusively positive picture of EU enlargement and vilified anyone who dared question the wisdom of effectively giving British citizenship to billions of poor unemployed people in Central and Eastern Europe.

The truth is that Britain is already having to place most of its young people in largely valueless education and training courses just to occupy people who are already here while thousands of British Muslim men are now claiming they can't find proper work either - so why bring more people here? Yes, they will work for low wages for a while but nobody can raise a family properly on the income from seasonal and temporary work.

Mr Blair is like all British politicians - he either does what Uncle Sam tells him to do or the media are mobilised to drum him from public life. Americans know next to nothing about the rest of the world and fondly imagine that a United States of Europe along the lines of the USA will be a good thing. That's why our welfare state is being dismantled and uncontrolled immigration is being allowed to create widespread fear and insecurity - capitalism likes it that way - you either work, beg, borrow or steal for all you are worth or join the victims of Hurricane Katrina in learning the truth about American capitalism. It's dog eat dog and the devil takes the hindmost.

