SIR - George Cowley is right to suggest that areas of deprivation should be treated favourably compared to more affluent parts of the country. However, if he thinks that is what actually happens, he is sadly deluded (Letters, August 25).

The average annual remuneration of an individual in the UK is stated to be in excess of £28,000. Although my own job-hunting days are long since passed, because of anno domini, I did, as a matter of interest, the other day, look in the window of a Worcester job agency. Jobs on offer were many and diverse but not a single one offered a salary as high as the national average. Most seemed to suggest rewards of not much more than half of £28,000. Some suggested earning considerable less than half of £28,000.

Although clearly impoverished compared to the south-east, north-west, Birmingham and indeed the entire UK, this city is always at the end of the queue when it comes to central government hand-outs. Such hand-outs are always parsimonious compared to those received by other areas. Thatcher and Major treated this city scandalously and for the past nine years Blair has treated us likewise.

