SIR – Mr [Jim] Evans’s first letter (Worcester News, July 11) was not really about overpopulation – it was a splenetic attack on Christianity.

His second missive (Worcester News, July 13) was slightly more sensible, but his third message (Worcester News, July 22) tells me that he did not read my reply (Worcester News, July 18) with due attention.

Re immigration into the UK, it is obvious that nobody can put a quart into a pint pot.

Parliament and nation should address that problem.

Any faith in secularism (read persecutory atheism) as a nostrum has already been proved wrong through people such as Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and others.

The word education is better although it works very slowly, as it must come from experience.

For a start, men and women must realise that resources, even their own personal and physical ones, are finite: there must be a correct husbandry if we want prosperity. The job is not easy. Europe is small and cramped while other continents are larger and their indwellers may have different perceptions of numbers.

Attempts to regulate populations in the present world may have to travel through inter-governmental efforts at international levels or through more private exchanges or opinions – it is a laborious task.

India, China and Japan appear to have come to grips with the numerical expansion, even if we might recoil from some of their methods.

In many non-European places, Christian schools, hospitals and assemblements do try to impart some realism into young and not so young minds about self-control and self-discipline (even if Mr Evans does not believe it).

So let people be practical and charitable.

About myself governing the world, I would like to have a shot. If I can vote people in, surely I can be voted in too – interesting to try.
