Sir – Re Phil Pegler’s letter regarding receiving private healthcare for knee treatment (Worcester News, July 26) and Roger Nall’s subsequent gripe about “the morality” of private healthcare and the impact it has on NHS patients who have to wait for treatment (Worcester News, July 28). I felt as an ex-Army operating theatre sister and latterly operating theatre manager of two private hospitals that I would like to point out the following.

Firstly, Mr Pegler chose to use part of his work pension to pay for faster treatment of his painful knee. It is his money, he has worked hard for it and it is his choice how he spends it.

Secondly, Mr Nall, consider the increased burden on NHS waiting lists if private healthcare were not available.

Finally, private hospitals regularly carry out waiting list initiatives on waiting list patients to help reduce NHS waiting times. It is not a question of pushing to the front of the queue for the services of the NHS surgeon.

Some consultant surgeons carry out private work only and do not work for the NHS. Bed availability, appropriate staffing and equipment availability also has to be factored in, so chew on that Mr Nall and stop moaning.

Penny Forsyth