SIR – I see they are going to kill the badgers by shooting them (Worcester News, January 20).

We all know that TB has been here for a long time and the farmers do need to know their cattle are safe from this bovine TB .

I don’t agree with the shooting of the badger or any living wildlife, however.

They will wipe out the badger just as they did the rabbit because of myxomatosis years ago. It took a long time to see rabbits back.

Why don’t they trap a few badgers first and do tests to see if they are infected.

If they prove to be then get a vet to put them to sleep.

Why go out shooting them until it’s proved they have TB?

I believe it’s not the badger at all. Try testing a large number of rats.

They get everywhere – in the barns, in the hay and also in the food that farmers feed cattle. This cull must be stopped now until it’s proved without a doubt that the badgers are infected.
