SIR – In MP Harriett Baldwin’s monthly column in the Worcester News (December 22), she said that everyone between 60 and 80 or on income-based Jobseeker’s allowance, living alone, received £200 cold weather payment and couples got £300.

She said that those over 80 got £300 if single and couples get £500.

As an MP sitting in this Government she should get her facts right.

It is £200 per household for 60-80-year-olds and £300 per household for over 80s and to my knowledge jobseekers do not get an allowance.

This allowance has been reduced by £50 for 60-80-yearolds and £100 for over 80s since the allowance in 2010, even though fuel prices have increased by about 12-15 per cent.

If our sitting members of Parliament do not know what we should be getting, how do we know we are getting the correct amount?

Perhaps it is because they do not listen in the House of Commons.

They seem to spend more time texting on their mobiles.
