SIR – Could the Tories address the issue of introducing new statutes against the disabled through their ‘back to work or onto the scrapheap’ benefits policies?

The Tories are now trying to explain their thinking on scrapping support for Remploy, which in turn will close many Remploy units and force 1,300 or more not only out of work, but for these poor souls, into a cruel workplace.

The Tories’ only excuse could be that they are unaware that Remploy units are not just a job.

They are places where those people, due to all sorts of disabilities, can find a reassurance of their own worth. Remploy in fact is a real community.

A close friend of mine was a manager at a Remploy unit and he found himself being their guiding light to all sorts of issues which were often just too much for them to understand or handle.

He was both father and mother to these lovely people. With millions of more able-bodied currently unemployed, the less fortunate have little, if any, future.

Within [David] Cameron’s Big Society we must fund these community projects.
