SIR – So now we know, billionaires and millionaires are to have their 50p tax rate slashed by increasing taxes upon us pensioners.

Four-and-a-half million pensioners are going to pay an extra £80 a year in taxes because of Government fiddles on pensioners’ tax codes.

Those about to retire will immediately lose £197 a year, as the tax allowances of pensioners are brought in line with those which apply to working people.

Those pension changes will save the Treasury more than a billion pounds a year on pension payments, and more than £3 billion over the lifetime of this Parliament.

The clowns in change of our nation have poured millions of immigrants into our economy, while millions of our own are jobless. The cost of employing immigrants in our economy, while paying our own to do nothing, is £80 billion annually.

That’s how much of our money these clowns are chucking down the drain every year on unemployment benefits alone.

Then there are the tens of billions being spent on benefits and social housing for those coming here.

Why are these clowns spending more than £80 billion of our money annually, on employing foreigners, when they are slashing poor pensioners’ pensions, and standards of care are so diabolical for pensioners that they die of starvation and thirst in our hospitals, and are increasingly robbed via ever increasing local authority care costs?

I didn’t vote for the poor to be robbed to pay the rich. And I am certainly not going to vote for it next time around.

And if all 4.5 million pensioners do the same this Government is finished.
