SIR – Once again the price of motor fuel is making the news.

Isn’t it time the penny dropped – the only way that fuel prices are going is up.

Market forces prevail and you cannot buck the market.

If you adjust the price by removing part of the fuel tax, you will need to recover this somewhere else and so someone else will suffer.

We could, of course, improve public transport, but our chinless wonders governing the country have de-regulated the bus services and sold off the railways, promising a better service in private hands.

While the well-heeled government grandees sit in their ivory towers being entertained by motor car, road lobbyists and others, we suffer the consequences.

Every morning you will observe a mass lemming-like migration, winding their way on our overcrowded arterial road systems.

If our wonderful out-oftouch government would organise a better public transport system for the shires we would have some faith in them.

If you think fuel prices are going by some miracle to fall, think again, the only way is up so get used to it or do something about it.
