SIR – Is it me or is the Leveson inquiry just about the most boring news item ever?

Yet it tops the list as the most important news item terrestrial TV covers most days.

Isn’t it the economy which is the most important thing to each and everyone of us?

With the exception of Millie Dowler’s family I feel little sympathy for anyone involved in the hacking scandal. Why?

When you are in the public eye and you get caught doing things that you perhaps should not be doing, then I’m sorry but you reap what you sow.

Hardly anyone called to give evidence to the inquiry is a paragon of virtue. The most galling thing is that we taxpayers are paying for it all.

For those of us lucky enough to have Sky TV, tuning into Soccer AM every Saturday morning really brings home to me the things that are most dear to us.

This is because there is a slot where they feature our brave troops based in Afghanistan wearing the football shirts of the teams they support and they all have smiles on their faces.

You can’t fail to be moved every time you see these photographs.

It certainly puts things into perspective for me anyway.

My family decided to subscribe to Sky when cricket coverage was lost from terrestrial TV in 2005, just after England’s Ashes victory.

Our subscription to Sky is a real luxury we cannot live without now because of all the wonderful sports coverage.

So thank you, Mr Murdoch, for providing Sky; the sports coverage in particular provides my family with an enormous amount of pleasure and we would be miserable without it.

Yes, our politicians are out of touch with the electorate on the things that really matter to us at this moment in time.
