SIR – Re George Cowley’s letter ‘What’s happening to our wonderful country?’ (Worcester News, May 2).

George, where have you been hiding your head in the sand?

Our country has been in a state for a while.

It has been handing out food in food banks for some time now. This is not a recent event.

As you say, our MPs don’t starve. Of course they don’t, they all line their own pockets and don’t care who gets crushed in the meantime.

The gas, electricity, water, tax and a lot more are all going up. What money is left for families is needed for food.

The Government has a lot to answer for.

The poor stay poor and the rich stay rich.

I would like to see the poor in a rich man’s shoes and the rich in a poor man’s shoes, then we would see who can manage to buy food.

I say give the BNP a chance to make this a wonderful country.

Let’s stop all this poverty and get back to how it was – a Great Britain to be proud of with plenty of work and food for all.
