SIR – I support G B Dipper'’s sentiments ‘A pact with Turkey? Whatever next?’ (Worcester News, May 14) regarding Turkey’s impending deal with the EU.

The potential free movement of yet more economic migrants into this country should be a concern to us all.

Aside from full or partial eligibility to welfare, the mere pressure such a human tidal wave would have on our overstretched public services makes for the stuff of nightmares, not to mention the extra pressure on jobs.

To want to withdraw from the EU and impose sensible levels of immigration is neither isolationist (re David Barlow’s letter ‘Isolationism is not the way forward’ Worcester News, May 14) nor would be economically disastrous.

Would remaining members of the EU stop wanting to buy our goods and services if we left? Of course not.

We could establish a freetrade relationship with any country that was willing to enter into such an arrangement with us.

We are presently prevented from doing so with any country outside of the EU.

Such arrangements would help facilitate stronger ties with emerging markets.

Non-EU Switzerland enjoys a bi-lateral free trade agreement with the EU and the highest GDP in Europe.

A tale of political isolation and economic disaster?

