SIR – Ed Miliband is lining up with the Tories and the Liberal Democrats to oppose independence for Scotland.

In reality, he knows that he is caught in a pincer. Without Scottish MPs, Labour is unlikely to win power at Westminster.

Moreover, the success of the SNP in Scotland owes as much to its social and economic policies such as no student fees and free care for the elderly as it does to a desire for independence.

Moreover, an independent Scotland would rid itself of the obscenity of nuclear weapons.

Such policies are much nearer to the real Labour gut than Miliband’s inheritance from New Labour.

Today’s Labour party clings to market orthodoxy and support for overseas wars.

It has no viable policies for economic recovery and wishes to retain nuclear defence and build new aircraft carriers to protect Britain’s security council seat at the UN.

You have to ask what good such vast military expenditure is for a country that can’t find work for a million young people.

The Scots want an end to international posturing and to spend money instead on the welfare of its people.

They had supported Labour solidly for more than 40 years and got nothing for it except right-wing Tory and New Labour governments at Westminster.

Now they want out, and I for one, wish the SNP good luck in their referendum.
