SIR – Every day blind and partially-sighted people face extra costs as a direct result of living with sight loss.

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) helps cover some of these expenses, so I am extremely concerned by the Government’s plans to replace it, spending 20 per cent less on a new benefit – personal independence payment (PIP).

The proposed test for PIP fails to recognise the challenges faced by people living with sight loss.

This could leave thousands of people without support to do everyday things that people with sight take for granted.

This could be paying for assistance with repairs or cleaning around the home, or food labelling systems to ensure they don’t eat food which has gone off.

The Government said that PIP would be fair and support disabled people to remain independent, yet many blind and partiallysighted people will be excluded.

I have asked my MP to write to the Government raising these concerns on my behalf, because the help blind and partially sighted people get from DLA is not a luxury, it means that they can live independently.

If you have concerns about PIP, or would like to find out more, information and help to contact your MP is available from RNIB at

KATY WAKEFIELD, Sight Concern Worcestershire Worcester