SIR – Is it me or is America trying to start World War Three?

I used to support America’s policy on freedom but now I can’t stand the sight of the stars and stripes.

Not only has the US turned our once great nation into its sick little puppy dog they seem to have the attitude that every country across the globe should bow at their feet.

America barks on about Iran and its ‘threat’ to the West and how Iran seems intent on war and must be stopped before it gets a nuke.

Yet America supports the biggest terror state in the Middle East, Israel.

A country that on a daily basis bombs, invades land and kills innocent people and already has nuclear bombs which they say they’re not afraid to use. America has lost its honour.

I fully support and respect Russia and China’s stance on Syria and America has no right to force other countries into their way of thinking.

The people of Syria chose to pick up guns and start a war so let them sort it out.

The Syrian government came under attack and is only defending itself, America and us have no right to help the rebels take down the Syrian government just like we had no right in Libya.

If America continue down this path then all hell is going to break loose and we as a once respected nation should stand up and tell America that from now on they can go it alone.

Bring our brave troops home and let America ‘spread’ freedom across the world on its own.

The biggest threat to the West and our own country will always be who it decides to share its bed with and I feel if we continue to share our bed with America and Israel then we too will pay a heavy price.

S MURPHY, Worcester