SIR – With yet another attack on the genuine disabled blue badge holders, the Government is now proposing to stop blue badge holders from parking on double yellow lines.

Within the guidelines for blue badge holders are rules, which demand when onstreet parking, consideration for safety and road restrictions have to be adhered to.

With reports in this paper of badge holders parking in a dangerous manner or blocking the carriageway, then they could, and should be fined.

However when we see that in this city the taxis are still parking on double yellow lines, are still leaving their engines running while queuing to get onto the taxi ranks, and still under using the St Swithin’s Street taxi rank for long periods of time, the rank that Simon Geraghty threw the disabled off in favour of the taxis, I wonder if the licensing committee now under Paul Denham’s new leadership will address any of these unfair situations, perhaps under the Disability Equality Act October 2010?

BRIAN HUNT, Worcestershire Pensioners Convention, Worcester