SIR – I was very sad to read in Worcester News of the death of George Randall.

I was leader of the opposition group on Worcester City Council when George was council leader in the 1980s. He saw me off, of course, but I came to like and respect him greatly.

George was a traditional Labour man through and through (no New Labour for him!) but there was never a time when his strong political views got in the way of his commitment to the best interests of the city.

His approach was businesslike and practical. I can remember occasions when I had made some excitable political speech (I was younger then!) and, when I had finished, he would look at me, benignly, and just say, “Well, this is what we are going to do”.

Local politics supports many friendships across the political divide I regarded George as a friend and we would always stop and exchange pleasantries when we met in the street. I will miss him.

