SIR – The allegations against Allah Ditta in the Worcester News (August 30) are astonishing.

There are a number of questions that the community will be looking for answers to following the investigation that I am sure will have announced by the time this letter is printed.

First, we are told that Allah Ditta is chairman of the Worcester Muslim Cemetery committee which manages the land on behalf of the Worcester Muslim Welfare Association.

Does this role include personally turning up and demanding up to £400 in cash (to be paid directly to him) from vulnerable bereaved family members?

Secondly, what role, if any, does the city council have in relation to the cemetery?

Third, what does this incident say about Allah Ditta’s character?

The existence of a recording is pretty clear evidence of behaviour by a man who obviously believes himself to be unaccountable.

The nature of the threats heard on this tape, and the way in which those threats were made, must raise fundamental questions about the desirability of him remaining as an elected representative.

Dittagate raises difficult questions not just for the city council, but also for the local Conservative party and for those living in Allah Ditta’s Cathedral ward.

Not least of all, they raise questions for Mr Ditta himself, which he will want to reflect on carefully before making his next move.


Chairman, Worcester City

Community Engagement Forum