SIR – Re: ‘Have your say on big plans for housing’, August 16. Let us remember this consultation is the usual scam.

Nothing the public at large can say will alter plans to build another 30,000 houses in our midst.

We will therefore find ourselves sharing Worcester with another 80,000 people.

It also means our politicians refuse to tackle the biggest and most rapidly growing problem we have; that of gross overpopulation.

Our nation has about 30 million more people than our farms can sustain. By 2050 that figure will be more than 40 million. Climate change has again cut this year’s grain harvest.

In America and Russia yields are down about 16 per cent; Europe’s maize crop is down by 13 per cent, leading to warnings of another rise in global grain prices.

France, Germany, Spain and Italy are again experiencing drought conditions, adding to growing concerns about Europe’s long term fresh water supplies.

A billion people have been added to the global population since 2000.

That global population is predicted to double by 2050.

Global food shortages by then will be widespread, consequently the food imports, which we rely on, will be impossible.

Hundreds of millions already struggle with food shortages.

How then is global agriculture going to feed double the people we have now, in 2050, especially when climate change, the extent of which cannot yet be predicted, is already disrupting global food production and marine life: set against that, constantly pouring millions of foreigners into our nation, to generate economic growth, and covering our farmland with concrete to house them, is an act of political and civic lunacy, when we can already see there won’t be anywhere near enough food for our people by mid-century!

