SIR – I take issue with the attempts by Labour’s Joy Squires to blame Conservative energy policy for Bosch’s decision to pull out of the technology park (Worcester News , September 12).

The renewables sector the plant was supposed to cater for is in a mess.

Danish wind-turbine giant Vestas has made thousands of workers redundant.

In Germany and the US, solar energy companies are collapsing, despite massive support and investment, and the markets are being flooded with cheap Chinese imports.

If these countries, with their sound industrial base and long-standing commitment to renewables, are having problems, it is hard to see how or why our government should be expected to buck the trend.

Bosch clearly knows what is up and has merely reacted to market conditions.

In effect, Ms Squires is just showing why Labour has so little right to criticise the Conservatives, bad though they are.

Labour promoted banking, the public sector and estate agents, allowing manufacturing to decline further than under [Margaret] Thatcher and [John] Major.

Ms Squires’s apparent failure to take account of market conditions and industrial reality suggests little has changed.

I am all for developing manufacturing industry and protecting the environment but paving over countryside for a white elephant factory is no way to do either.

