SIR – I feel I must write and say how disgusted I was by the behaviour of some people when I was at Worcestershire Royal Hospital on Friday, September 21.

After six hours of chemotherapy at the unit, my husband went to collect the car and I waited under the canopy of the entrance.

All around were notices of ‘no smoking’ and arrows showing where the smoking area was situated.

At least six people were smoking, four of them patients in pyjamas.

While I was standing there enveloped by the disgusting smoke and smell, a lady on the tannoy announced that this was in fact a no smoking area and asked all people to extinguish their cigarettes and move to the designated area.

Not one person took any notice. Surely that would be the time to get security to come and move these people out and reinforce the rules.

Maybe it would do the patients good to come to the chemo unit and witness the treatment that patients have there.

It may make them think twice and value their health.