SIR - Oh, the irony of your front page report of Thursday, October 27. You criticise the BBC for revealing that city centre cameras will be out of action for up to three weeks. Brilliant, what a fantastic piece of journalism. By running this story you have done exactly what you are criticising the BBC for doing. For the benefit of the criminal element that may have missed the original report on Tony Fisher's Breakfast programme on BBC Hereford & Worcester - perhaps they were enjoying a lie-in after their previous night of criminal activity - you have heralded rather loudly on your front page that, guess what, the city centre CCTV cameras will be out of action for a few weeks! Anybody who missed the original radio report and wasn't aware at this temporary dip in security certainly knows about it now. Well done, Worcester News. Give yourself a huge collective pat on the back. The very thing that you were criticising, you've just done yourself.


LETTERS EDITOR : The report was not confined to the Worcester area. The BBC also featured the cameras story on their regional television bulletin which is transmitted across the entire Midlands region.