A HUGE regeneration of the city's Shrub Hill area looks set to be part of a multi-million-pound bid.

Worcester City Council has revealed plans to regenerate several parts of the city including the tired Shrub Hill area.

Plans include redeveloping the First Bus Depot site in Padmore Street near Worcester Shrub Hill station into 350 new homes and 2,000 square metres of commercial space.

The ageing Isaac Maddox House site in Shrub Hill Road would also see a new enterprise centre and up to 100 homes built.

A new walking and cycle route between Shrub Hill station, the planned regeneration area and the city centre would also be created.

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Worcester City Council said it will submit a bid to Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund at the end of January, setting out how £28 million could deliver long-term economic growth for the city and aid recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.